
Soda cans, the hidden killer
I didn't ride today, I don't feel like studying and it's too hot to read (if that's an excuse). So I'm going to blog for the first time in a while, even though I have blogged a few times in the past but thanks to errors they weren't posted.

The big event for the past few days has been a "mystery" pain in my foot. It doesn't hurt when I pedal, but it's enough to make me ease my riding pace this week after a hard week in the saddle. I'm trying to narrow the cause down, and the most logical seems to be stomping on aluminum cans in sandles. I haven't jogged in a week and unless my pedal cleats are mis-aligned and have caused cummulative damage, I don't see how it could be anything else. Yesterday I was ready to go to a doctor about it, but after my ride, my foot actually felt better and today's pain was minimal and short lived, so it seems to be a bruise of some sort that will eventually heal itself. You always read about athletes getting stupid injuries like pulled rib muscles from sneezing or cut fingers from yard work, and now I have my own stupid injury. So kids, make sure you are wearing proper footwear when smashing cans.