I'm starting it again, and my guarantee to you, the reader is that I will work my ass off to see that you have access to as much of my trite ramblings as I can muster.
As Otis is singing right now, "You don't miss your water 'till your well runs dry." That's the case for the last 52 days as I've been dealing with the bike crash that ruined 2005 (see evidence on left).
The good news is that the wound has closed and I can begin to ride again. The bad news is that I developed a blood clot while my leg was immobile and due to vein damage and swelling my calves are now horribly mismatched. (Imagine bad Vito Corleone impression)"Look what they did to my little boy!" Mild pain will be a part of my left leg for the near future, but thankfully I have support hose to help me in activity. I have enough people in Idaho thinking I'm gay that I don't need panty hose on top of it. The hardest part is finding a garter belt that fits and is stylish at the same time.
Anti-coagulants will force me to avoid any risky situations like racing and rock climbing and restrict my S&M activities to light bondage and tickling. Oh well, all that leather wear was getting expensive anyway. The thing with blood thinners is that their effect can be compounded by excessive alcohol. I kind of knew this, but after a trip to Wisconsin, they tested my blood and apparently it was thinner than a whisky and water at a $20 cover strip club. But what am I supposed to do? Going to Wisconsin and not drinking is like going to Disney World and getting your picture with that Friar Tuck dog thing from Robin Hood instead of Mickey. So anyway, my blood is too thin, which made me wonder, why am I shelling out $10 for a months supply for blood thinners when apparently a couple of cases of PBR/week will do just fine. I guess those would be perscriptions in the Mason City Hospital where nurses looked like Darryl Hannah in Kill Bill and every needle came with a shot of Jack.