
A note about Idaho
I love living in Idaho. I dare say that it is the best thing I could have done for my life, however, there are some things I seriously miss about Jersey. Now for the record, I lived in Jersey summer of '96, summer of '97 and May '98 through February '99, which I know doesn't seem like much, but when you are 20 years old, go to school in upstate NY and DON'T go back to Wisconsin for summer break, you have a tendency to call the east coast home. The fact was, Jersey was a dangerous place for me at 20 years old... hell, Kansas could have been a dangerous at 20 years old for me. I was far from ready to grow up and being that close to NYC was too much for me to take. I loved every minute I spent out east, and if I was still living there, I would probably be in worse shape than I am now. I don't necessarily think Idaho is the reason I've grown up a little, in fact, I have picked up some even worse habbits since moving here (hell, Nevada is only 50 miles away) but, my brain is too much in hyperdrive to handle a place like NY. There was too much to do, see, taste, hear and smell. Because Idaho is so painfully slow and, well let's face it, stupid, I feel less stress to "perform" here. The only competition is my own. The pace is whatever I want. And the good habbits I have, like skiing and mountain biking are supported much more out here than in Jersey. I have lived here over 4 years now. Amazing when I think about it; I am an Idahoan. How disgusting is that?

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